Featured Homeopathic Practitioners

  • Bette Jo Arnett

    Bette Jo Arnett, RDH Retired, BS, MLS, Cithp, Dental Health Educator

    Helping clients transition obstacles to optimal health with electro dermal screening and homeopathy.

    - Holistic dental hygienist, retired

    - Classical homeopath

    - Electro dermal screening (EDS) practitioner

    Bette Jo is a graduate of the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy 1998, Class One, as well as a graduate of the University of Minnesota in Dental Hygiene and Liberal Studies (Masters), and holds a certificate in Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices.

    Author of Wholistic Dentistry: Balancing Conventional Dental Care with Ancient Wisdom.

    Services: Homeopathic constitutional care, compatibility testing for dental materials and supplements, and holistic dentistry consults


    Phone: 612-599-6288 or text

    Email: bjohome7@hotmail.com

  • Kate Birch, RSHom (NA), CCH

    Kate is a 30-year veteran homeopath specializing in the health of children and families, especially in regard to childhood development and learning, pregnancy and infant care, infectious disease, and vaccine alternatives. She has served the national and international homeopathic community through participating on the board of the North American Society of Homeopaths and liaison to the International Council for Homeopathy. She is also the co-founder and international director of Free and Healthy Children International whose main purposes are research, education, and the avenue to provide access to homeoprophylaxis and immune education programs.


    To schedule appointments please go here: Kate Birch RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT Fee Schedule | HippHealth Center for Holistic Healing

    1614 Harmon Place, Suite 204

    Minneapolis MN 55403

    Phone: 612-338-1668

  • Georganne Kaehler

    Georganne Kaehler, CCH

    It is a great honor and privilege to assist clients on their homeopathic journeys and to help each individual be all that they were created to be!

    Classical Homeopath

    Georganne is a Class 9, 2015, graduate of the 4 year intensive education and clinical training program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy and has a practice in Southeast Minnesota.

    She has used homeopathy as her primary healthcare for herself and her family since 1999.


    Phone: 507-429-7745

    Email: gkaehler@hotmail.com

  • Alethea Kenney

    Alethea Kenney is an author, Homeopath, Traditional Naturopath, Western Herbalist, Aromatherapist, has a Diploma in Veterinary Homeopathy and is certified in equine iridology.

    She works with animals and people to address acute and chronic diseases and improve health and well-being.  She also teaches about holistic animal care, edible and medicinal plants, homeopathy and minerals as they relate to health in people, companion animals and livestock.


    Phone: 218-657-2502 (no text)

    Email: allie@borealbalance.com




  • Stephanie Kieselhorst, CCH

    Stephanie is a graduate of the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in 2016, Class 10. She is a retired Registered nurse of 42 years and certified classical homeopath.

    Her practice is located in Saukville, Wisconsin.

    Appointments can be held in person, by phone or via Zoom


    Phone: 262-689-4089

    Email: skieselhorst@wi.rr.com

  • Beth Knudtsen Spears

    Beth Knudtsen Spears, CCH, ND

    Beth is a graduate of Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, 2002, and graduated from the University of Northern Colorado, Gerontology, BSc.

    She enjoys "putting the puzzle pieces together" from a classical homeopathic point of view for my clients.

    She practices in Isanti, MN (East Central MN).


    Phone: 763-552-4325

  • Jackie Krammer

    Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopath, RSHom (NA), CCH

    Jackie Krammer is a nationally-certified homeopathic practitioner who uses natural remedies to treat acute illnesses and ongoing health problems. She received her training at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy and is a registered member of the Minnesota Homeopathic Association and North American Society of Homeopaths. She lives and practices in Southwest Minneapolis.

    My special areas of focus: families with children; pregnant women; teenagers; young adults, and women at menopause and beyond. My passion is providing care that is personal and professional.


    Phone: 612-824-7808

    Email: jackie@homeopathyminneapolis.com

  • Kim Lane

    Kim Lane, MD

    Dr. Lane is a retired family and holistic physician-homeopath. She now focuses on education and a few short non-treatment consultations.

    She is a graduate of the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, developed their Anatomy and Pathophysiology course. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota medical school and Fairview St Mary’s Family practice residency program.

    Dr. Lane has been honored to have been able to be in such a healing profession with her business Wellness Lane, LLC.


    Phone: 651-347-1952

  • Sally Weatherly Nikolic

    Sally Weatherly Nikolic, CCH, RSHom(NA), MBA

    I help clients heal from chronic health conditions.

    Diplomate of Classical Homeopathy, Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy

    Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH)

    Registered Society of Homeopaths, North America (RSHom(NA))

    MBA and BA

    Appointments via zoom or in-person in Edina, MN


    Phone: 612-501-9332

    Email: sally@returntohealth.com